HomeGuides6 Ways to Fix YouTube Playback Error

6 Ways to Fix YouTube Playback Error

The growth and popularity of Youtube have been a buzz for the longest time now. Every day there are new heights that Youtube reaches offering new and undefined ways to align. The playback experience out of Youtube might not be a good taste for your taste buds. Well, we are here to deal with one of the common problems of youtube – Youtube playback error.

With other users who primarily complain about errors related to Playback while playing a video on their web application of mobile app, the experience is somewhat led down. This goes for all i.e. general Youtube users as well as the premium ones.

The reasons behind Playback Error could be numerous and the behavior is almost uncertain. Let’s explore the possible reasons and how to get rid of the Youtube Playback Error problem.

Youtube Playback Error


Steps To Fix Youtube Playback Error

Follow the below steps to see if this works out for you to quickly get a resolution when you are facing the Playback Error.

  1. Start with changing the internet connection and switch to your Wi-Fi. If you have successfully done so, delete your present Wi-Fi account and then connect it.
  2. Clearing the cache also helps a big time. Clearing the cache files, history, and other zig-zag temporary files are sometimes the reason behind the clubbed youtube error.
  3. Release the video by swiping it down. Sign out from your youtube account and log back in to see if the issue is resolved.

Mentioned above are some of the quick remedies, below are some of the other common problems that will help you to dive in and get a better resolution. (just in case the above ones didn’t work out for you)

Youtube Playback Error

How to Fix Youtube Playback Error?

Here are 6 working methods that you can try to fix the YouTube playback error. All the methods have been tested by experts.

1. Close your Browser/App and Re-Open!

Well, it might sound completely normal and simple but we have received this feedback from many users for whom the playback error has no longer be a disturbance once they have just closed the browser and opened it back on.

If you are using a Youtube browser, close the tab and then open it back on. You can do this on your mobile devices as well by just going back to the home screen and then close the app right away. Open it back from scratch. Play a video back on to see how it works out for you.

Youtube Playback Error

2. Head back to your Google Account

This solution has also been optimal for many users. Go to Youtube web and locate your profile picture. You can find the profile picture in the top right corner. Further to that, sign out from your Google account. Sign back in using the same Google credentials and then try to play the Youtube video of your choice.

3. Clear Cookies and Cache

Regardless of the device you are using, clearing cookies and cache is always a great idea. There are many unwanted files that reside on your device and therefore, it is very essential to delete them. Deleting these files is extremely important as these turn out to be the basic hindrance behind your streaming device not working smoothly.

Clear your cookies, cache, temporary files, on the device you are using i.e. either your laptop, desktop, or your mobile device. This is the most ideal thing to do to get rid of the youtube playback error once and for all.

Youtube Playback Error

4. Try a Different Browser

Youtube, as we all know is a product of Google. Therefore, it works best on a Google Chrome browser. However, it also works well with other browsers like Mozilla, Opera, Edge, Explorer, and so on.

Looking back at the records, Google has an indefinite habit of breaking out when it comes to rival browsers by offering a low-grade playback.

Hence, if you are using any other browser than Google, we suggest you switch back to it. Check if the problem persists in Google Chrome. This way, we both know who the real culprit is.

5. Update Youtube App

Sometimes the problem lies right in front of us but we clearly don’t see it. However, this problem basically works for mobile devices. Google many a time publishes a buggy update which causes the playback error.

Well, just in case you have your mobile phone set to auto-update, then the apps are definitely going to get an update being in the background.

This is going to resolve the issue even before it might be a cause. Just in case you don’t have Youtube updated, then head to Play Store or App Store and update the app manually.

6. Say ‘NO’ to Adblock Extension

Until it was recently brought forward, the Youtube playback error came as a cause of Adblock’s popular extension from Chrome. This could have been for Chrome, Edge, and in fact for all other browsers.

When Microsoft peeped into the issue more, they posted a confirmation that the playback error was a cause of a conflict. The problem majorly was because of Adblock Browser Extension and Microsoft Edge.

To troubleshoot the issue further, you need to get rid of the Chrome Extension.


Final Words

Youtube is nowadays one of the major platforms that offer a lot more than it possibly could. The work from home routine is the new normal and Youtube is honestly the ‘side hustle’. Using the tricks that we have clearly enlisted for you, you can get rid of the youtube playback error. If you face the error, very likely one out of the above tricks will definitely take care of it for you. Do let us know which trick worked out for you the best.



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